July 31, 2023
Quick Guide for Government Supply Chains
Despite logistics’ crucial role in keeping the public administration’s wheel turning, only a few agencies have implemented modern technology and logistics workflows. This means they are more vulnerable than average to supply chain disruptions – resulting in critical equipment shortages that could affect the government’s ability to render public services successfully.
Government departments of every size and level (local, state, or federal) regularly require shipments of cargo and equipment to provide services or complete infrastructure projects. The primary goal of most agencies is to minimize risk, which means public officials should consider the benefits of a reinforced supply chain with consistent on-time delivery.
Public scrutiny of any tax-funded expenditure should always be expected, if not welcomed. As members of the public, we all hope that constituents are being served by trustworthy public servants. That feeling of transparency should extend to any government contractor. At Last Mile Logistics, we don’t expect to be the lowest bidder every time. We are committed to offering a competitive figure, but presenting the most accurate and complete number is more meaningful to our team. That’s because a proven track record shows that to be successful, you need to have the right price for the job – without exception.
There’s no shortage of vendors displaying fantastic deals and low prices. It can be tempting until your agency discovers the reality. Inconsistent pricing schemes begin with low fees, but soon you’ll find out that’s not the end of the story – or their invoices. Unfortunately, it can require multiple additional payments to get your cargo to its destination if an inexperienced team prepared your quote. If you are searching for a trusted logistics partner with easy-to-understand pricing, we can gladly assist with any government project requiring shipments in the US and Canada.

Getting government supply chain help
The public sector has historically been reluctant to adopt innovative strategies that improve their existing purchasing practices. Whether it is military freight contracts, public educational centers, or law enforcement facilities, every government entity needs a modern logistics strategy that leverages the strengths of a trustworthy transportation partner.
Most public agencies depend on private government logistics contractors to quickly and cost-effectively obtain the needed materials for infrastructure preparation. This is why it’s essential to have experts in logistics. Effective supply chain operations management is vital for the well-being and safety of local communities.
Administering successful results in the public sector takes a lot of hard work. Navigating the bureaucracy is a persistent challenge in its own right, and there is always a risk when selecting a private contractor to carry out a logistics project. 3PL is no different – so when using public funds to invest in a transportation service provider, agencies need to find the balance between price and reliability.
As a premier consulting partner, we assist every step of the way. Forming a detailed plan and determining the project scope is the first checkpoint. Then we identify and select the best rates and providers in each city, county, or state – always making sure our choice is based on whether they meet or exceed the qualifications needed for each assignment. (These can range from compliance requirements such as hazmat certification all the way through to additional services like expedited shipping).

Strategies for managing supply chain in public sectors
There are some key factors to consider to enhance logistics workflows and improve the efficiency of public supply chains, including:
- Organize financial accounting and government budgets
- Constantly track government assets
- Prioritize health and primary sectors’ supply chains
- Improve communication with logistics partners
- Track shipping in real-time
- Effectively manage public inventory
- Build an emergency management strategy
- Set up cybersecurity for government IT systems
In order to handle the obstacles posed by modern transportation, government agencies need to adjust their supply chain and logistics infrastructure. It’s crucial to establish a system that can quickly and effectively respond to any disruptions while also being flexible, visible, and resilient. Moving forward, supply chains will rely heavily on data and digital technology and should be able to adapt to different circumstances and events in real-time.
At Last Mile Logistics, we have the experience and expertise to keep your logistics processes running smoothly. We are able to ensure secure and safe deliveries even to the country’s most sensitive areas. We are a lean and client-centric organization that will tailor a complete solution for your logistics requirements. So please, call us if you have an RFP or any other concerns.